Because GBI EXPERTS goes hand on hand with the decision makers to support them, provide valuable insights and deliver actionable intelligence into their decision-making process. Its experience is backed our customer-centric approach, its renowned client list and long-standing diversity of successful projects during the last 2 decades. This is our advantage, our eclectic experience background and diversity of customers and industries. It has broadened our vision, allowing us to achieve a creative problem-solving mindset, eager for new challenges and new ways to support our clients.

We have seen so many clients amazed by very cool maps or fancy data, but the next day or weeks later, when they must take a key business decision, sometimes even lacking the spatial understanding to leverage the insights presented in those maps and analytics, achieve nothing but frustration. Here is where we stand next to our clients, accompany them, advising and expertly interpret those insights converting real life, business wise, actionable intelligence… so you can take the best-informed decision possible.

We know that. Same clients are satisfied with any of those questions answered positively, which we sure can do. YES. But, the real power of Geomarketing, geotargeting or a geo-business intelligence / spatial BI service is to ultimately support the Decision makers. We provide insightful custom reports, geo-based marketing campaigns and ads or help implement GIS departments from scratch. 

Another key difference is that we are customer-centric, and only recommend what’s best for you. We provide actionable intelligence, not only software or reports. Every product or service provided by GBI Experts is tailor-made to each client and supported by our Customer Service team and expert advice. 

A little more

about us.

We care about our World, we are a paperless and environmentally aware company. We use renewable energy from Solar Panels at our offices, we have a year round volunteer program for beach and river cleaning plus we donate to the Banco Ambiental Foundation. Our team and specially our director, also volunteers and leads the National Wallball Assoc. providing training for Public School Physical Education teachers (over 300 in the last 5 years) and has provided materials (balls, training, teaching manuals) for over 350 schools from the 7 provinces across the country.


  • Trust: Be realiable and accountable
  • Usefulness: Create useful solutions
  • Resourcefulness: Find a way
  • Courage & Integrity: Be brave
  • Passion: Promote Self-discovery + play to win

Mission & Vision

Mission: Inspire positive change in our clients and communities, through (self & data) discovery.
Vision: Create the most valuable business intelligence for our customers.